Instrumental Mastery Across Styles

Perform music fluently using principal instrument/voice in a broad range of style idioms, conforming to instrument-specific conventions

Versatile Collaborative Performances

Perform music collaboratively in various style idioms as part of an ensemble

Broad Range Improvisational Skills

Demonstrate the ability to improvise music in a broad range of styles

Advanced Arrangement Versatility

Demonstrate stylistic diversity and versatility in arranging music using advanced melodic, rhythmic and harmonic principles

Precision in Music Notation

Notate compositions and arrangements to prepare music scores and instrument parts

Become a leader

Demonstrate leadership and collaborative spirit that encourage innovation and creativity to produce original music

Understand personal branding

Develop a personal brand and professional profile that embodies own unique musical identity and style

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True School of Music believes in equal access to education – scholarships bridging the gap for aspiring musicians.